nTop 3.0 is overwhelmingly the most exciting technology available for Field-Driven Design. In this video, my colleages and I take a behind-the-scenes review of what made it possible.
It was a pleasure making this video with my colleagues (in order of appearance):
- Cayleigh McCreight, P.Eng, Product Support Engineer
- Joseph George, VP of Engineering
- Christian Thomsen, Technical Lead for Topology Optimization and Lattices
- Johann Korndörfer, Technical Lead, Interactivity
- Suraj Musuvathy, Manager, Geometry and Interactivity
- Ignacio Fraga, VP of Architecture
- Trevor Laughlin, VP of Product
- George Allen, nTopology Fellow
As well as our friends at:
See the 3.0 announcemnt from nTopology for more information.
nTopology, nTop, nTop Platform, Field-Driven Design, and Element are trademarks of nTopology Inc.
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